Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a website cost?
How much do you have to spend? It depends on what you want and need. For free, I can discuss your needs, this will give you a better idea of what you should budget for.

How do you design a site?
First we use a discovery process to reveal what the target users of your site will be, and what you want them to do on the site, the call to action, or conversion. Then once there is a clear understanding of what the site should accomplish, the design process can begin. For the look and functionality, it helps to show the designer sites you already like so they can be inspired.

What is a domain name?
A domain name, or URL, is your web address: (example) You can purchase and register a domain name from many companies, I can help you find one you can trust to serve your needs. You will pay yearly fees for the domain and hosting, you could register with one company, and host with a different one.

What is hosting?
Web hosting is a service that stores and serves your files on a server so that they can be seen by people on the internet.

What is FTP?
FTP is File Transfer Protocol, it is used to upload your files to your server with your hosting company. Your hosting company provides you login credentials (a username and password) to upload files to the server.

What are Search Engines?
Search Engines are websites such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing that help you find things on the internet. They crawl all over the world wide web with spiders to index all the shared content. Then you use these search engines to find what you are looking for on the internet. You must submit your site to these search engines in order for your site to show up in the search results. Search engines offer free listings and high profile listings for a variable fee. You can hire me to manage your paid search, and I can use best practices to get your site closer to the top of the organic search results.

What is Search Engine optimization?
It’s building and updating your site so it will rank higher in search results. Best to focus on having content that people want to view, instead of trying to trick search engines just by stuffing it with lots of random keywords. Following Google guidelines for usability, and accessibility will go a long way in boosting your ranking.

Ask me anything!
Talk to me, first send me an   with your phone number.